Friday, February 10, 2017

Getting close...

We are getting close to finishing with the framing.  I expect another day or two and it should be finished.  However, we just decided to add another dormer above the porch door so that we can replace our existing interior-rated doors with a new door that is code compliant (6'8" or higher).  So, the roof will be higher in that area.  That will add a few days of demo, framing, etc to the process.

I also put together an updated walkthrough video.  The link is at the end of the photos.

They finally framed in the master bedroom side walls.

This is the master closet with the long skinny fixed window framed in up high on the wall.

 Roof framing

Exterior view"

This framing looks all wonky but trust me it is correct.  It will look better once the overhang brackets are installed.

Believe this happened sometime yesterday with the wind and scaffolding craziness.  We have since repaired it though.

Roof overhang on this side of the house surrounds the chimney.  This is why we needed to rebuild the chimney first. It's funny though.  You ask the framer which order to go in and he'll say he can frame it up first and they can build the chimney around it no problem (he'd rather not have anything interrupt his framing process).  Ask the mason and they'll tell you the opposite--do the chimney first.  In this case I think the mason was correct.

8:12 pitch roof on the front of the house.

8:12 pitch on the front-left of the house

Another view of the roof craziness"

Pretty nice view from up here:

8:12 pitch section looking towards the front of the house/street.

Here is the link to the walkthrough video.  It is 12 minutes long but I won't be offended if you get bored and don't finish it!

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