Friday, February 24, 2017

All backfill completed!

All of the backfill around the yard is now complete.  They came today to fill in the trench in the front yard where the water line upgrade was done.  They did not however go into the crawl space and cover up the trench in there.
So, I had to go in there and do it myself.  Thankfully it is almost entirely sand in there so I just had to push it all back into the hole.
I still say that having to go into a 95 year old dirt floor crawl space is the worst task I as a homeowner have to do.  Well, that and cleaning out hair and congealed soap from the drains.
No other work today besides continued plumbing work.  That is going to pretty much be my life for the next several weeks.

This is the typical getup I wear anytime I need to go in the crawlspace.  Also I ended up putting goggles on but took them off halfway through because they started fogging up.  The bike helmet is to protect my head as it is almost impossible not to bump into things in there.  Anyways, quite the look!

This didn't happen today but I didn't post yesterday.  They completed the bottom of the interior basement stair landing.  The stairs have to do a 90° at the very bottom so that they remain inside the future hallway.

Finally, all of the windows were delivered yesterday.  Very exciting!!!  This photo just shows some of them.  In total there are 27!

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