Sunday, November 27, 2016

Basement Stair Lights

Kim and I finished up the pre-concrete stair lights for the exterior basement stairs.  This all has to be in place prior to the other side of the wall form being installed (tomorrow/Monday).  All of the horizontal metal bars sticking out in the photos below attach to similar forms that face inward, and together this makes up the exterior stairwell wall.

When the concrete is poured, it will completely encase the conduit and boxes and they will be permanently held in place.

In order to keep them in proper position during the pour, they have to be attached to the form itself.  I figured out a way to use plastic tubing as a spacer to protect the bolt itself from becoming encased in concrete.  This will allow the concrete contractor to remove the bolts from the other side of the form prior to removing the forms after the concrete has poured.

We also added a box in the center of the bottom landing on the wall for an exterior power outlet.


  1. Very well done! Looks great. Can't wait to flip the switch.

    1. Thank you! I'm pleased with how it turned out.

      The concrete guy seemed pleased that we didn't put too many holes in his forms.

  2. How do you keep the poured concrete from flowing in between the business side of each outlet and the form?

    1. The boxes are flush with the form. There is no cutout in the form on the other side. So, the concrete flows into the form and around the outlets and after it sets and the form is removed, the front of the outlet box (where the opening is) is exactly flush with the outside edge of the concrete and because it is flush with the flat form nothing will enter the box.

      Keep in mind that there is a 2nd form that hasn't been installed yet. It attaches to the cross bars and then the two forms create a sandwich into which the concrete is formed.

  3. OK? Thanks.

    Didn't know how tight a fit 'flush' would be...whether any liquid would seep between the outlet face and the form, or if you had some kind of plastic, or other membrane, between the outlet face and the form.

    1. I probably could have (should have?) covered the front/opening of each box with duct tape but I didn't think of it. I thought at one point to place some tape around the seam from the back side but then worried that that may make removing the concrete forms more difficult. Oh well, hopefully it won't be an issue.
